Saturday, May 9, 2020

Empower Yourself to Create Your Ideal Career

Empower Yourself to Create Your Ideal Career Too many people find work doesnt work for them.Rather than subscribe to the sentiment that says, They call it work for a reason, what if you instead empowered yourself to have the ideal career youve fantasized about?   What if you took one positive action that inspired you to have a new mindset and introduced you tools to make your dreams a reality?On March 13, 2015, join me for a special career empowerment webinar. Sign up now experience a few of the exercises I use in my proven Soul Search, Research and Job Search process.   Whether you are just starting a new career or arent happy in your existing career, at the end of this webinar, you will have more clarity on your ideal.   All proceeds from registration go to the Center for Hope Safety.Its not to good to be true.   You can create a career that fits who you are and what youre here to do.   Read testimonials from those whove experienced it.   Get empowered find out firsthand for yourself.Friends cherish one anothers hopes. The y are kind to one anothers dreams. Henry David Thoreau

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