Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Recruiting Meets Corporate Culture

Recruiting Meets Corporate Culture I love it when you call me Big Data Recruiting Trends Week is upon us! Each day, everday this week Blogging4Jobs is taking it to the streets to find out what trends will be the trend in recruiting. What do you think? What trend do you see as #1 in 2014? Let us know  here!  Elevate your brand and HR Recruiting practitioners. Learn more about sponsoring a future themed week on Blogging4Jobs by clicking  here. With values like Happiness (Zappos), Awesomeness (Mindvalley), Luv (Southwest) and Joy (Menlo Innovations) taking center stage in terms of corporate culture, recruiting in 2014 will give ways to words like big data, marketing corporate culture, and hiring for a cultural fit.  Like bottle service in a club, what will be popping of in 2014 in this thing we call recruiting?  Here are this Chicks picks: I love it when you call me Big Data Throw your hands in the air if youre a recruiting player that is tapping into the multiple facets of using big data to find top candidates.   There is some great software out there that creates profiles of rockstar employees cognitive skills, personality, and specific scenarios of what top employee would do when encountering specific on-the-job scenarios.  Based on these characteristics, companies are creating screening software for hiring.  With this software, hiring managers are so keen on the softwares appraisal of these candidates, many want to forgo the resume and interview process altogether.  If you are looking for passive candidates, theres even software that can tell you candidates that are on the prowl for a new gig based on the updates made to their social media presence. Recruiting for a Cultural Fit Whats hotter than Beyonces visual album?  Hiring for a cultural fit, especially for young startup companies.  Theres already some pretty awesome software which classifies candidates work style and recommends the corporate culture that would be the best for them.  If you still dont know what to do with your social media accounts, promoting your corporate culture is a great way to attract like-minded candidates that would thrive in your companys culture. Resumes become Extinct With many studies showing the extreme biases played in selecting a candidate based off their resume, past experience not being indicative of future success, and even companies like Google placing less weight on your level of education/grades, what good is this thing called a resume?  Not to mention, most applicants are using their LinkedIn profile to upload their profile into most applicant tracking software.  Companies already hiring for a cultural fit are exploring resume alternatives such as video resumes, analytics/creative exercises, and candidates social media presence to separate the good candidates from the great candidates. Startups like The One Page Company are helping hasten the death of the resume.  With a 60% interview and hire rate, you can bet that creating a solution via 1 Page Proposal, a tool that allows candidates to present a solution to a companys problem, proves to be more valuable for all parties than adjusting the margins on the ol resume. Do you see corporate culture as a big recruiting trend in 2014? Holla! .ai-rotate {position: relative;} .ai-rotate-hidden {visibility: hidden;} .ai-rotate-hidden-2 {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} .ai-list-data, .ai-ip-data, .ai-fallback, .ai-list-block {visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 50%; height: 1px; z-index: -9999;}

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